Next Step Management
Maat, P.R., Bree M.A. de (2024). The hidden increase in systemic frailty; The underestimated importance of differentiation and innovation in European banking, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, in review.
Huizinga, K., Bree, M.A. de (2024). Balancing between extremes: goal-ambiguity based strategies to contain goal displacement in regulatory enforcement agencies, Regulation & Governance, in review.
Ziskoven, B., Bree, M.A. de, Nunen, K. van, Reniers, G. (2024). Fading of safety awareness; The influence of ethical fading in the (petro)chemical industry, Heliyon, in review.
Bree, M.A. de, Stoopendaal A. (2023). A regulatory perspective on organizational integrity, in: Kaptein S.M. (Ed.), Handbook of organizational integrity, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bree, M.A. de, Stoopendaal A. (2023). A regulatory perspective on organizational integrity, in: Kaptein S.M., Handbook of organizational integrity, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, in press.
Haas, H. de, Bree, M.A. de (2023). Moral leadership in regulation; Lessons from education, in: N. Pfeffermann and M. Schaller (Eds.), New Leadership Communication - Inspire Your Horizon: World Lecture, Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, in press.
Bree, M.A. de, Dees, M. (2021). How to regulate in a complex world, ECPR conference, Exeter.
Huizinga, K., Bree, M.A. de (2021). Exploring the risk of goal displacement in regulatory agencies: a goal ambiguity approach. Public Performance and Management Review. doi: 10.1080/15309576.2021.1881801
Bree, M.A. de, Stoopendaal, A. (2020). De- and recoupling and public regulation, Organization Studies, Vol. 41(5), 599-620.
Bree, M.A. de (2020). To Mars on a bike; Images of Regulation. In N. Pfeffermann (Ed.), New Leadership in Strategy and Communication (pp. 15-25). Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
Bree de M.A., Haas de J.M.D. (2017). Using Management Systems in Environmental Supervision, in Lee Paddock, David L.
Markell, Nicholas Bryner (Eds.), Compliance and Enforcement of Environmental Law, Abington UK, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Annemiek Stoopendaal, Martin de Bree & Paul Robben (2016). Evaluation of an Experiment with System-Based Regulation in Dutch Health Care, Evaluation, Vol. 22(4).
Martin de Bree & Henk Ruessink (Eds.), Innovating Environmental Compliance Assurance, INECE, 2015, ISBN 978-1-326-49318-9
Martin de Bree, Understanding Compliance Management: Opening the Black Box of Self-regulation, in Special Report on Next Generation Compliance, INECE, 2015
Martin de Bree, Han de Haas, Paul Meerman, Can supervision and enforcement networks make self-regulation work?, in Environmental Enforcement Networks; Concepts, Implementation and Effectiveness, Edited by Michael Faure, Peter De Smedt and An Stas, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015
Paul Meerman en Martin de Bree, 'Compliance Assurance through Company Compliance Management Systems' in Next Generation Compliance and Enforcement by LeRoy Paddock and Jessica Wentz (editors), Environmental Law Institute Washington, D.C., 2014, ISBN 1-58576-163-0
​Meerman P., De Bree M.A., Compliance assurance, Next Generation Compliance Workshop, USEPA, George Washington University, December 12, 2012
De Haas, J.C.M., Meerman, P., De Bree M.A., Compliance Assurance Through Company Compliance Management Systems, IMPEL report 2011/04, May 2012
Han de Haas, Paul Meerman, Martin de Bree, Compliance Management and System-based Supervision, INECE conference Whistler Canada, June 2011
​M.A. de Bree, Waste and Innovation, Thesis Technische Universiteit Delft, Berghauser Pont Publishing, 2006, ISBN 90-809618-